Why I had to come back to Nottingham

In September of 2015, I wandered into Nottingham city center for the very first time and wandered into an Open Mic. I was, at that time, an almost former American songwriter whom was not in the UK for music at all but simply because my company had offered me the opportunity. On a whim I said yes, packed my bags, and in a blink of an eye I was in a place I always had hoped existed.

That night marked the beginning of amazing friendships that I will treasure for the rest of my life. It also meant finding something that I did not realize existed, a community of songwriters and musicians who lived and breathed music genuinely, and without intention. In other words, I found what I always dreamed of. Mutual love and respect achieved self-expression in a place where if you created something from your own inspiration, it could never be wrong.

A bit over half of a year I stayed in Nottingham. When I returned to the U.S. I had to do what any sensible person would do. Quit the job that sent me there and took 3 months off to record an album. Then after that, spent the next year working another job to save up to return to the one place I truly had felt loved. And in July of 2017, a year and a half after I left I found myself again in Nottingham.  This time exclusively being an artist, and sharing my story. And living a life of my own creation, born from my genuine desire.

How have I been so lucky? So many things had to happen for me to arrive here in the first place. If you believe in fate, then I suppose it was meant to be. But the series of beautiful coincidences that have landed me here once and then here again must be because of something.

I have only one idea…

I followed truly, genuinely, what I felt I needed to do in my gut.  I resisted any fear of change, or of expectations from others. I was determined and chose to live my life genuinely, in my own way. 

And I truly believe that if we all live our lives as truly genuinely ourselves, that everything comes together in the way it’s meant to. Even when all seems impossible (it really is).

More about this next time… from the coffee counter.